Saturday, May 28, 2011



  1. Dear Wren,, wow, wow!!! Absolutely brilliant. Great to have a look of your roughs and colours. I'm learning lots from your work. Wow~~~~!!
    Cheers, Sadami

  2. I only can say the same as Sadami comment,brilliant,your work is great,very great!

  3. love seeing your process....great stuff

  4. It seem the bad guys are on hard red color so the girl hand on 8 must be soften a little to keep things consistent and stay apart from the plane (its a tangent/intersection there who make the hand/plane composition look like a dragon head).

    Anyway you are a master watercolorist

  5. Thanks for your supersweet comment. This looks awsome Wren. You are very good with the lightning and composition as well with the watercolor.

  6. Thanks guys, really appreciate the enthusiasm. Laurghita, you are right about the had and the ship above on no. 8. They are too close in value and color. I need to look again at how the value study was working and follow that model more closely while making a stronger color distinction.

    Thanks so much to all of you - I plan to be doing finish pencil work soon and maybe final color work by the end of the month.

  7. Hi Wren! I have seen all your works, and I can only say....really awesome! I like so much the first picture of "Landings" and "Arcadia Moons Invitational". If you don´t mind, I´m going to add your blog to my blogroll.

    I will keep visiting your blog.
